Oceana Ag banquet cancelled.

April 3, 2020

Oceana Ag banquet cancelled.

NEW ERA — Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the Oceana Agriculture and Natural Resources Banquet Committee cancelled this year’s banquet.

The 15th annual banquet originally scheduled for March 19 at the New Era Reformed Church was rescheduled to April 23 in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak.

“Consideration was given to rescheduling the event for this fall, but it was determined that with so many cancellations happening at this time, it will be difficult to find a date that would not conflict with other events being rescheduled or already scheduled,” states press release from the Oceana County MSU Extension Office. “It is also a busy time of year for most of our organizing committee members.

“Monetary and door prize supporters of the event have already been contacted regarding their contributions. Tickets will be refunded. Please contact the person or organization you purchased your ticket from to obtain a refund. Tickets must be presented in order to receive the refund. Those purchasing tickets through the Oceana Conservation District or the MSU Extension Office will need to wait until these offices reopen following the COVID-19 Stay Home,
Stay Safe orders.”

Anyone with questions, may email the MSU Extension Office at

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