Spring horticulture meeting March 23.
NEW ERA — MSU Extension will host the annual West Central Spring Horticulture Meeting Monday, March 23, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the New Era Reformed Church.
Discussion topics during the program’s morning session include research updates on the Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD); apple industry production topics from the perspective of the apple packer, a discussion on the apple thinning work being conducted at Michigan State University; and an update on the American brown rot control.
The afternoon session will include topics on managing codling moth; additional information on the SWD and its affect on fruit development; and a demonstration of the revamped Enviroweather system. The program will conclude with an update on the new West Central Michigan Horticulture Research Center.
The West Central Spring Horticulture Meeting has been granted four Michigan pesticide re-certification credits in the categories of private core, commercial core or 1C. Certified crop advisors’ continuing education units credits have also been requested.
Early registration is $25 by March 13. To register, visit https://www.canr.msu.edu/events/west-central-spring-horticulture-meeting, call the Oceana County MSU Extension office at 231-873-2129 or stop by the office at 844 South Griswold St.