Hart Schools closed Monday.

January 31, 2020

Hart Schools closed Monday.

HART — Hart Public Schools Superintendent Mark Platt announced Friday afternoon that the school will be closed on Monday, Feb. 3, due to the high number illnesses at the school.

“The last two weeks have been filled with higher than normal absences due to illness throughout our buildings,” Platt said. “We have been monitoring this situation daily over the past two weeks. During these past two weeks our custodians have been working additional hours and taking additional precautions.  During these past two weeks, I have kept in close communication with our principals regarding student and staff illness.

“I’m not entirely convinced that closing school will solve the illness issue, as there is always a higher risk when you put 1,500 people into four buildings. However, having an additional day does give the current people who are sick or just coming off of being sick an extra day to rest.  Our custodial crew is going to do a deeper clean in high traffic areas. 

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