West Shore ESD hosts allied health competition.

January 10, 2020

West Shore ESD hosts allied health competition.


By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief

West Shore School News is a presentation of the West Shore Educational Service District.

VICTORY TOWNSHIP (Mason County) — The Region 6 Health Occupational Students of America (HOSA) leadership conference was held Thursday at West Shore Community College. The event was hosted by the West Shore Educational Service District and included 285 students from northwest Michigan, south from Ottawa County north to Emmet County and east towards the center of the state. Locally, over 30 students represented the WSESD’s Career and Technical Education program.

Students competed in 46 different events with leadership or health care themes. Those placing in the top six in each category will advance to the state leadership conference March 8-10 at the Grand Traverse Resort in Acme. The top three from each of those categories will then compete in the international conference in Houston in June.

The West Shore Educational Service District is funded through the support of taxpayers in Mason, Lake, and Oceana counties.

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