Sen. Jon Bumstead (R-Newaygo)
Road commission manager, senator to speak on roads.
HART — Oceana County Republicans will host Senator Jon Bumstead and Oceana County Road Commission Manager Mark Timmer for a presentation on roads on Monday, Jan. 13, 6:30 p.m., at the Hart Middle School Auditorium. The presentation is free to attend and open to the public.
The presentation will focus on topics including how Public Act 51, fuel tax, the difference between state, primary and local roads, winter plowing policy, relationship with townships, among others.
“The presentation is designed to be on current existing road policy and tax structure and “how it works and not political or partisan in nature so the whole community is encouraged to attend,” said Oceana Republican Chair Andrew Sebolt.
Cards will be available before the presentation begins for attendees to write their own questions which may be asked at the conclusion of the presentation.
For more information, please contact:
Oceana Republican Chairman Andrew Sebolt