27th Circuit Court sentencings, Nov. 30, 2019.
By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.
HART – The following were sentenced recently in 27th Circuit Court:

– Cody Lee Bow, 25, of 8926 Holton Rd., Holton, was found guilty of probation violation and sentenced Nov. 25 to 18 months to five years in prison with credit for 346 days served in jail and $490 in fines and costs. His probation, which stems from a Nov. 26, 2018 conviction of larceny of a firearm, is revoked.
– Christopher Lee Merriman, 40, of 4427 N. 176th Ave., Walkerville, was found guilty of probation violation and sentenced Nov. 25 to one year in jail with credit for 165 days served and $490 in fines and costs.

Probation, which stems from a Sept. 17, 2018 conviction of assault with a weapon, is revoked.
– Antonio Jesus Gonzales, 32, of 5710 W. Third St., Mears, was found guilty of probation violation and sentenced Nov. 25 to 368 in jail with credit for 368 days

served and $490 in fines and costs. “Defendant shall remain on probation with added term on his probation to be placed on a tether for the remainder of his probation to restrict his movements,” states his court file. “This court will defer to Muskegon County court for sanctioning on the new charge of operating under the influence of drugs.” Gonzales’ probation stems from a July 23, 2018 conviction of two counts of controlled substance delivery less than 50 grams.
– Steven Geno Rice, 22, of 1242 W. Hazel Rd., Hart, was found guilty Nov. 25 of possession of a non-narcotic and was sentenced to one year in jail ; driver’s license suspended one year/restricted after 60

days; and $490 in fines and costs. “No probation is being recommended as defendant is already being supervised on parole,” court records state. Rice’s sentence is to be served consecutively to a 2016 Oceana County case and a 2016 Mason County case, his court file states. One count of methamphetamine possession was dismissed.
– Justin Ruben Jobbins, 34, of 554 N. Morris St., Pentwater, was found guilty Sept. 16 of controlled

substance possession less than 25 grams and was sentenced Nov. 25 to five months in jail with credit for 112 days served; driver’s license suspended one year/restricted after 60 days; one year probation; and $490 in fines and costs.
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