Early Childhood Summit scheduled for Sept. 13, 14. 

August 1, 2019

Early Childhood Summit scheduled for Sept. 13, 14. 

VICTORY TOWNSHIP (Mason County) — The fourth annual Early Childhood Summit returns to West Shore Community College on Friday, September 13 and Saturday, September 14, 2019. The summit is collaboratively planned and implemented by West Shore Community College and West Shore Educational Service District’s Great Start Collaborative and Great Start Readiness Program. This year’s topic, Resilience in the Child, will highlight strategies professionals and families can use to help children positively cope with adverse experiences.

Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, an early childhood researcher and speaker, will kick off the summit  on Friday with a keynote address focused on strengthening the emotional intelligence of early childhood professionals and parents. Dr. Pretti-Frontczak’s keynote address on Saturday will provide parents and early childhood professionals with strategies to promote play in their homes and classrooms. Afternoon breakout sessions will occur on both days of the Summit and will include, “Mastering the Mixed Age Group for Infants/Toddlers,” “Integrating Strategies for Emotional Regulation into Everyday Life,” and “Consequences without Rewards or Punishment.” The complete Summit schedule can be found online at www.childready.org/schedule.

Information about registration and scholarships can also be found online at www.childready.org/regsiter. Professional development hours are available for childcare providers.

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