WSCC offering College for Kids. 

July 24, 2019

WSCC offering College for Kids. 

VICTORY TOWNSHIP (Mason County) — West Shore Community College will be hosting College for Kids 2019, July 29- August 2.

The five-day session is a hands-on opportunity to explore higher education through arts, sciences, communications and recreation in a day-camp atmosphere on the college campus and features a wide variety of action-packed learning adventures. Classes are designed for motivated learners ages 9-15.

“College for Kids exposes students to potential careers, expands their knowledge, and provides hands-on learning under the guidance of experienced educators,” said Crystal Young, director of the college’s business opportunity center.

“While they’re learning, playing and developing friendships, they’re also getting a taste of campus life. The young students are all over campus, in college classrooms where they may attend classes someday, getting experience of how a college works through its equipment and technology.”

Some of the courses and activities include music exploration, culinary arts, art classes, pond ecology, archery, build a business, American sign language, philosophy of movies, theater, and more.

Full-day, week-long participants receive two, three-hour courses, and a College for Kids t-shirt for $165.  Half-day week-long participants receive one, three- hour course, and a t-shirt for $95.

Some scholarships are available by contacting Cara Mitchell at the college (see below), or visiting the college’s tent at upcoming Friday Night Live events in downtown Ludington.

To accommodate the schedule of working parents, younger students may be dropped off at the Tech Center at 8:30 a.m. and should be picked up at the same location no later than 4 p.m.

Manistee Dial-a-Ride will also offer round trip service to the college for participating students from its office on Memorial Drive. Call 231-723-6525, ext. 1, for ride and payment information.

For more information, contact Mitchell at 231-843-5825 or email  Information is also available online at

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