Rep. Huizenga, left, with Ambassador Lighthizer.
Huizenga advocates for asparagus industry.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Bill Huizenga (R, Holland), of Michigan’s second district, met with Unites States Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer and advocated for additional measures to be taken to support Michigan asparagus and specialty crops. On June 14, Huizenga held a town hall style discussion with asparagus growers, packers, and processors in Hart. At that meeting, Huizenga promised growers in Oceana County he would deliver their message to the Trump administration and continue to advocate on behalf of Michigan farmers. Congressman Huizenga released the following statement after his conversation with Ambassador Lighthizer.
“We need to level the playing field so asparagus growers in Oceana County can compete fairly in the market. My message to Ambassador Lighthizer was this: the USMCA has several provisions that benefit Michigan farmers and manufacturers and I believe taking additional measures to support specialty crops and asparagus will yield even greater results for farmers in Oceana County, west Michigan, and across the nation.”
Joining Huizenga on the bipartisan letter, which was originally sent to the USTR on June 27, were U.S. representatives Paul Mitchell,
Joining Congressman Huizenga on the bipartisan letter, which was originally sent to the USTR on June 27th, were U.S. Representatives Paul Mitchell (R, Michigan 10th district), Fred Upton (R, Michigan’s 6th district), Elissa Slotkin (D, Michigan’s 8th district), Tim Walberg (R, Michigan’s 7th district), John Moolenaar (R, Michigan’s 4th district), and Jack Bergman (R, Michigan’s 1st district).