Engineering report indicates Longbridge bridge in good condition.

June 22, 2019

Engineering report indicates Longbridge bridge in good condition.

PENTWATER TOWNSHIP — A recent engineering study of the Longbridge Road bridge has shown that the bridge is in good condition. On May 24, Great Lakes Engineering Group performed an underwater inspection of the bridge for the Oceana County Road Commission.

“We are still waiting for a formal report but the good news is the bridge is in good condition,” said Mark Timmer, director of the OCRC in a memo to local officials. “The water level of Lake Michigan continues to rise as rain continues to fall in the area, and the current Lake Michigan water level is now higher than the centerline of Longbridge Rd in several places.”

To improve the conditions of the detour route road surface crews hot patched (using hot mix asphalt from the asphalt plant) for several days on 72nd Avenue between Harrison and Monroe Road, Timmer said.  “We have also contracted Rieth Riley to wedge a 160 foot section of 68th Avenue north of Harrison Road that is full of patched pot holes, and also to wedge a 1,340 foot section of the northbound lane of 72nd where there has been significant erosion the past several months.  Our crews cut this out for a valley gutter and spillways to eliminate the washouts when paving is done.  Rieth Riley is going to wedge one more short section of 72nd south of Monroe as well.”

Signs will soon be placed indicating that US 31 Business Route/Monroe Road is still open and also clearly defining the detour route.

“Our bridge engineer talked with several contractors who perform ‘auger cast’ work, which is to bore deep holes and then inject them with grout upon removing the bit.  This would allow us to place pilings through the 30 foot layer of peat, place a geo tech grid on the cast pilings, build the road up above the water, pave and place heavy rip rap on the side slopes to prevent erosion.”

The total cost of the project is estimated to be $815,000 including engineering for an initial rough estimate.

Timmer said he has been working with Sen. Jon Bumstead’s (R, Newaygo) office to request financial assistance from the state.


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