Women Who Care to meet June 4.

May 20, 2019

Women Who Care to meet June 4.

BENONA TOWNSHIP — The Women Who Care of Oceana County begins its eighth season on Tuesday, June 4 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Stony Lake Inn, 4722 Scenic Drive.

“We welcome anyone wanting to come to any of our meetings to observe,” said founding member Amy LaBarge. “We typically have one or more visitors join on the spot at each meeting.” The group numbers some 150 members, who together have contributed a total of $340,000 to Oceana nonprofits since its first meeting in June of 2012.  “Our success really shows that there’s strength in numbers.”

On the first Tuesday of March, June, September and December, the women meet for an hour somewhere in the county, learn about three worthy causes serving Oceana residents, and choose one that everyone agrees to support with their $100 personal check.  Socializing follows for those who can stay. If one can’t make a meeting, they still pledge to write a $100 check payable to the organization selected by the group.

For more information, log onto http://www.facebook.com/oceanawomenwhocare or call 313-268-2086.

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