Oceana 4-H quiz bowl team wins state title 6th straight year.

April 18, 2019

Oceana 4-H quiz bowl team wins state title 6th straight year.


Front row, left to right, McKenzie Brimmer, Emery Velat, Maverick Beggs; middle row, left to right, Luke Eubank, Alden Grondsma, Sondra Christopher; back row, left to right, Leader Diane Cole, Haley Jessup, Cassidy Jessup, Damian Pider, Hannah Beggs, Lane Eubank and Makenna Beggs.

EAST LANSING – The Oceana County 4-H Goat Quiz Bowl Senior Team won the state championship for the sixth straight year Saturday, April 13, at the State 4-H Quiz Bowl Competition at Michigan State University.

The junior teams took second and fifth place. Families and volunteers make this opportunity possible for 4-H members.

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