27th Circuit Court sentencings, posted April 11, 2019.

April 11, 2019

27th Circuit Court sentencings posted, April 11, 2019.


By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.

HART – The following were sentenced recently in 27th Circuit Court:


– George Andrew Gentz, 42, of 2349 118th Ave., Shelby, was found guilty Feb. 11 of narcotic/cocaine possession less than 25 grams and was sentenced April 8 to nine months in jail with credit for 37 days served; driver’s license suspended one year with a restricted license after 60 days; one year probation; and $398 in fines and costs. “Defendant was permitted to take a drug test (April 8),” his court file states. “If he passed, he would be able to report to jail in two weeks. If he failed, defendant must report to jail (April 8). Michael Hooper, parole/probation agent, administered the drug test. Defendant failed. His sentence is to commence April 8, 2019.”

– Brittany Ann Marr, 20, of 4898 S. 180th Ave., Hesperia, was found guilty of probation violation in two files and was sentenced April 8 to 380 days in jail with credit for 318 days served; 18 months probation;


driver’s license suspended one year with a restricted license after 60 days; and $398 in fines and costs. “Defendant shall serve jail time until April 16, 2019 on which day she can be released to inpatient treatment for substance abuse, followed by intense after-care treatment,” her court file states. In the second file, she was sentenced to 380 days in jail with credit for 380 days served; driver’s license suspended for 180 days with a restricted license after 30 days; $458 in fines and costs; and probation revoked. Probation in both cases stem from methamphetamine convictions. The first conviction was Feb. 5, 2018, and the second one was June 18, 2018.

– Shannon Kim Davis, 48, of 1525 W. County Line Rd., Manistee, was


found guilty of probation violation and sentenced April 8 to 240 days in jail with credit for 106 days served; driver’s license suspended one year with a restricted license after 60 days; 18 months probation; and $398 in fines and costs. Davis’ probation stems from a March 26, 2018 conviction of narcotic/cocaine possession less than 25 grams.

– Gary Deangleo Parker, 21, of 913 Pasture Rose St., Joliet, Illinois, was found guilty Feb. 11 of controlled substance delivery – schedule 1, 2, 3 and was sentenced April 8 to four months in jail with credit for one day served; driver’s license


suspended 180 days with a restricted license after 30 days; and $458 in fines and costs. “Defendant shall report to jail Sunday, May 12, 2019 at 9 a.m.,” his court file states. One count of controlled substance delivery less than 50 grams was dismissed.

– Jordan Jeffrey Chester, 24, of 9103 E. Hawley Rd., Hesperia, was found guilty Feb. 11 of narcotic/cocaine possession less than 25 grams and


was sentenced April 8 to four months in jail with credit for 26 days served; driver’s license suspended 180 days/restricted after 30 days; 18 months probation; and $458 in fines and costs.

– John Luis Pena, 35, of 2240 53rd St.,, Fennville, was found guilty Feb. 11 of animals attending a fight in connection to the cockfighting ring

John Pena

raided by police last June in Hart Township. Pena was sentenced to 60 days in jail with credit for four days served; two years probation; and $398 in fines and costs.

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