Sen. Bumstead asks citizens to complete survey.

March 11, 2019

Sen. Jon Bumstead

Sen. Bumstead asks citizens to complete survey.

LANSING — State Sen. Jon Bumstead on Monday announced that he has added a survey to his Senate website and encourages area residents to participate.

 “As the vice chair of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, I will have a key role in molding our next state budget,” said Bumstead (R-Newaygo). “I have put together a short survey regarding items the governor has proposed for the 2020 budget, and as your voice in Lansing, I would like to hear your input regarding how your tax dollars will be spent.”

The survey features four questions regarding proposals found in Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s recent budget presentation. It also asks residents of the district what other budget priorities they consider to be important.

“I am here to serve you,” Bumstead said. “If you could take a moment to fill out the brief survey, it will help my staff and me better understand your expectations and the issues that are important to you.”

The survey can be found on Bumstead’s website or by clicking here.

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