Oceana Christian pre-school, kindergarten round-up is March 14.

February 20, 2019

Oceana Christian pre-school, kindergarten round-up is March 14.

HART — Oceana Christian School will begin accepting applications from new families interested in preschool and kindergarten for the coming school year during its round-up on March 14.  The round-up event will last from 6 to 7 p.m. At that time, parents may bring their children to the school to meet the teachers, see the classrooms, and enroll for 2019-20.

OCS is offering two sections of 3-year-old preschool classes and two sections of 4-year-old preschool classes.  The 3-year-olds will meet two half-days per week (Tuesday and Thursday) with a choice of morning or afternoon class.  The 4-year-olds will meet two full days per week with a choice of the Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday class.  The focus of the 3-year-old program is to provide a positive learning experience for young children through play, exploration, music, and literature.  The 4-year-old program focuses on development of social, academic, and physical skills in preparation for kindergarten. Oceana Christian Preschool is state-licensed.

Parents may also enroll children in the kindergarten program, which meets four full days per week.  The kindergarten program offers a full academic program with an emphasis on phonics-based reading and includes specials of music, art, gym, and computers.  There are also openings in grades 1 through 8 for the 2019-20 school year.

Parents/guardians should bring copies of their child’s birth certificate and immunization record to the round-up.  Families who would like more information before the event should contact the school office at 873-2514. Oceana Christian School is located at 3258 N. 72nd Ave.

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