Agriculture and natural resource banquet scheduled.

February 18, 2019

Agriculture and natural resource banquet scheduled.

NEW ERA — Tickets are now on sale for the 14th Annual Oceana Agriculture and Natural Resource Banquet, to be held on Thursday, March 7, 2019.   The evening will begin with the Taste of Oceana Reception beginning at 6 p.m. followed by the banquet.  Both events will be held at the New Era Reformed Church located at 4775 S. First St..

Tickets for the Ag Banquet cost $16 per person, which includes admission to the “Taste of Oceana” social hour before the banquet.  Tickets can be purchased from members of the organizing committee: David Rabe, Leroy Glover, Norm Myers as well as being available at the Oceana Conservation District Office in Shelby and the MSU Extension Office in Hart.  

There are currently four businesses planning to share their signature creations with those in attendance.  Deadline to register for a space is Friday, February 22. New this year, Taste of Oceana exhibitors will be permitted to provide items for purchase.   

Following the reception, the banquet will begin with dinner being served that has been prepared by Dave’s Kountry Kitchen of Rothbury.   

Following dinner, award presentations will be held to recognize various agricultural achievements from the Oceana Soil Conservation District as well as the presentation of the 2019 Friend of Oceana Agricultural Industry Award.  The Oceana Conservation District will hold a brief business meeting as part of their Annual Meeting and give attendees an update on the activities that are taking place within the Conservation District.

The banquet will conclude with a presentation by Valerie van Heest, author and underwater explorer who will commemorate the tragic Armistice Day Blizzard of 1940 in which five ships and 64 sailors were lost. She examines the wrecks of the Novadoc and Anna C. Minch, and presents the only footage ever captured of the William B. Davock, all lost off West Michigan. She provides insight into what caused these massive freighters to sink when others survived the storm and helps the sons of two Davock victims say final goodbyes to their fathers.

There will be door prize drawings throughout the evening for various items secured by the Ag Banquet Committee and donated by local businesses.  Seating for this event is limited, so buy your tickets early. There will be no ticket sales at the door. For further information on the Oceana Agriculture and Natural Resources Banquet, you can call either the Oceana Conservation District at 231-861-5600 or the Oceana MSU Extension Office in Hart at 231-873-2129.

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