Sen. Jon Bumstead
Bumstead appointed vice chair of Appropriations Committee
LANSING — State Sen. Jon Bumstead announced on Monday that he has received his Senate committee assignments for the 100th Legislature.
Bumstead (R-Newaygo) will serve as chair of the Natural Resources and Environmental Quality Appropriations Subcommittee and vice chair for the standing committees on Appropriations and Natural Resources.
Bumstead will be a member of the following standing committees: Education and Career Readiness; Finance; and Energy and Technology. He will also be a member of the K-12 and Michigan Department of Education and General Government Appropriations subcommittee.
“A bulk of what we do as legislators happens during the committee process,” said Bumstead. “While I look forward to working with each of my new colleagues, I am especially ready to start my work on the Appropriations Committee. I am honored to have been appointed vice chair of the committee, and it is my hope that we make this the ninth year in a row the Legislature approves a fiscally conservative, responsible budget well ahead of schedule.”
A full list of Senate committees and their memberships will be available later at the following link: http://www.senate.michigan.gov/committee.html.
Bumstead represents the 34th state senate district, which includes Oceana County.