January is School Board Recognition Month.

January 11, 2019

January is School Board Recognition Month.

Dear Editor:

January is School Board Recognition Month — a time to salute the work of our volunteer school board members and to celebrate public education. This special recognition of school board members reflects our combined commitment to leadership and accountability assuring that ALL children succeed. It’s an exciting and challenging time in public education. School board members in Hesperia Community Schools develop policies and make tough decisions that help shape the future of our education system.

They are citizens whose decisions affect our children and build our communities. Our board of education, and the hundreds like it across the state, preserve the core of our democracy — public education. They ensure that decisions on school programming are made by people we’ve elected to represent our community’s values, culture and circumstances.

Showing appreciation for the important work of school boards should be a year-round process, but too often we neglect to recognize the dedication and hard work of these men and women who represent us. This January, the staff and students of our district are asking all members of the community to take a moment and thank a school board member.

We salute the public servants of Hesperia Community Schools whose dedication and civic responsibility make local control of public schools in our community possible. We applaud them for their vision and voice to prepare today’s students to be tomorrow’s leaders. Board members of Hesperia Community Schools include: Scott Wenberg, Ryan Good, Michelle Allen, Al Daniels, Mary Sturtevant, Mark Kraus and Julie Burrell.


Vaughn E. White
Hesperia Community Schools

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