27th Circuit Court sentencings.

December 20, 2018

27th Circuit Court sentencings.


By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.

HART – The following were sentenced recently in 27th Circuit Court:


– Rebecca Ann Deters, 42, of 8812 Jones Rd., Howard City, Michigan, was found guilty of probation violation and sentenced Dec. 17 to two to four years in prison with credit for 326 days served in jail and $158 in fines and costs. Probation, which stems from a Sept. 25, 2017 conviction of second-degree vulnerable adult abuse, is revoked.

– John Mark Tufts, 50, of 6910 Holton Duck Lake Rd., Holton, was found guilty Oct. 29 of third-offense operating while intoxicated and was sentenced Dec. 10 to seven


months in jail with credit for 208 days served in jail; driver’s license revoked; and $490 in fines and costs.

– Jesse Thomas Meyette, 34, of 821 N. Darling Ave., Fremont, was found guilty of probation violation and sentenced


Dec. 17 to 150 days in jail with credit for 150 days served; must be on a tether for 90 days; outpatient substance treatment; probation continued; and $458 in fines and costs.

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