Local businesses urged to participate in career fair Feb. 26.

December 18, 2018

Hart firefighter Melissa Monroe helps Shelby High School student Mercedes Salgado put on firefighter turn-out gear during the 2017 career fair.

Local businesses urged to participate in career fair Feb. 26.


SHELBY –– The Fourth Annual Oceana County College and Career Fair is set for Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019.

Each year, nearly 45 businesses and 25 colleges join together to help guide over 200 local high school juniors in learning about career and education options after high school. Oceana College Access Network (Oceana CAN!) relies on community sponsorship to support this event aimed at connecting our community’s young people with local area businesses.

The Oceana CAN! College and Career Fair is a focused effort to engage students to learn about their community and help them discover their unique path to success. Local businesses and organizations showcase career opportunities that are in high demand and the kinds of talent they wish to hire. Colleges and training centers share the diverse types of post-secondary education paths that a student might consider.

A student’s path to education after high school can take many different routes including towards degrees, skilled trades training, certificate programs, or apprenticeships. This event provides the opportunity to explore different avenues, allowing students to make an informed decision so they are prepared to complete post-secondary education to meet the growing need for skilled workforce in our community.

All Oceana County high school juniors will have an opportunity to personally meet, interact with, and ask questions about careers, education, skills and training with local professionals.

To provide a tax-deductible sponsorship or to reserve booth space for this event, visit http://oceanacan.org/resources/partner-programs or send a check to CFOC PO Box 365, Shelby, 49455.

Your contribution to this event increases the collective impact of creating a culture in Oceana County that strives towards education after high school.

Shelby student Joey Correa tries out a virtual welding simulator with the assistance of York Lynch of Miller Welding Supply during the 2017 career fair.


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