West Michigan CMH to receive additional $4 million for additional services.

September 21, 2018

West Michigan CMH to receive additional $4 million for additional services.

KALAMAZOO — West Michigan Community Mental Health is getting an additional $4 million in funding over the next two years to provide comprehensive behavioral health and addiction treatment services.

The announcement was made by Sen. Debbie Stabenow Thursday, according to The Associated Press. 

The Ludington-based WMCMH is among four Michigan community mental health services that have been selected as Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics. The designation is also going to Kalamazoo Community Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Easter Seals Michigan in Auburn Hills, and HealthWest in Muskegon.

The mental health centers are among more than two dozen selected nationwide. The aim is to provide around-the-clock crisis services; outpatient mental health and substance abuse treatment services; screenings, risk assessments and diagnoses. They’ll partner with hospitals law enforcement and others.

West Michigan Community Mental Health serves Mason, Lake, and Oceana counties.

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