State police trooper assigned to Hart post arrested on child pornography felonies. 

May 11, 2018


State police trooper assigned to Hart post arrested on child pornography felonies. 

NEWAYGO — Michigan State Police Trooper Devin Wilson of the Hart Post was arrested Thursday, May 10 and charged with possession and distribution of child sexually abusive material and the use of a computer to commit a felony. Wilson was arraigned today, Friday, May 11, 2018 in Newaygo County’s 78th District Court.

Trooper Devin Wilson

Wilson was arrested when he reported for duty, and his house was searched. His arrest followed an investigation by the MSP Computer Crimes Unit. The state police was tipped off by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Wilson was placed on unpaid suspension while the case is going on. He is being lodged in the Ottawa County Jail.

In a statement, state police officials said the department has “a long-standing tradition of demanding the highest possible standards of professional conduct form its enforcement and civilian members.

“”Regardless of whether a criminal charge results in a conviction, employees can still be subject to administrative penalties resulting from violations of department policy,” reads a portion of the statement. “All policy violations are investigated thoroughly and acted upon in a manner consistent with current labor-relations law and bargaining unit agreements.”

Wilson has been a trooper with MSP since 2012.

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