Rickard named asparagus festival parade grand marshal.

May 7, 2018

Stan Rickard

Rickard named asparagus festival parade grand marshal.


HART — Hart City Manager Stan Rickard has been named grand marshal for the 2018 Joan Glover Royale Parade during the National Asparagus Festival, which is slated for June 8-10.

The parade takes place in Hart Saturday, June 9, at 2 p.m.

Rickard is a fifth generation resident of Oceana County and lives in Hart with his wife, Christine. His roots were in farming, but after graduating from Hart High School in 1966 and being interested in science, he left for Marion, Indiana, where he earned a bachelor of science degree in education from Indiana Wesleyan University.

Working part-time at a local municipal water treatment plant, he began what became a 45-year career of service in varied local government utilities. Moving to the Chicago area after college and earning a master of arts degree in public administration from Northern Illinois University, his service in Illinois local government extended for 26 years.

Always hoping to live in Oceana County again one day, Stan happily returned in 2004 as Hart city manager. Looking forward to retirement in August of this year, he and Christine will continue to make their permanent home in Hart but have plans to travel in their RV to the Chicago suburbs to visit their three sons, their wives and six grandchildren and then out West to visit more family in northern California.

“NAF wishes to thank Stan for his 14 years of service in Hart and the city’s extraordinary support of the National Asparagus Festival every year,” states a NAF press release.



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