Heroin possession yields jail term.

April 9, 2018

Cody Denton, left, with defense attorney Terry Shaw.

Heroin possession yields jail term.


By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.

HART — A 23-year-old Ludington man with a lengthy criminal history was sentenced to nine months in jail for a heroin possession conviction in 27th Circuit Court Monday, April 9.

Cody Morgan Denton, of 2630 Sherman Rd., pleaded guilty to heroin possession less than 25 grams, Jan. 29. Denton testified that police arrested him when he was caught with heroin in his hand.

He was arrested last October by the Oceana County Sheriff’s Office at a local rest area on charges of heroin possession and second-offense habitual offender.

“I was there to get high,” Denton previously told Judge Robert D. Springstead.

Denton’s habitual offender status enhanced his maximum possible term to eight years in prison, the judge said.

In exchange for his plea, Denton’s jail time was capped at nine months, and his habitual offender status was dismissed.

Sentencing guidelines in the case are two to 17 months, said Judge Springstead, who gave Denton credit for 189 days served in jail.

In Mason County, Denton is charged with heroin possession and fourth-offense habitual offender, facing a 15-year maximum, said Mason County Prosecutor Paul Spaniola. In a separate felony file, he is charged with breaking and entering to Quinn’s Towing, larceny of a firearm, felony firearm and fourth-offense habitual offender, facing up to life in prison.

“I’m probably going to prison for four or five years,” Denton said to Judge Springstead. “The trial is Wednesday. I’m probably going to take a plea and wrap them both up Wednesday.”

“No plea agreement has been reached at this time, and he remains innocent until proven guilty at trial of all charges,” Spaniola said.

In October 2017, Denton was sentenced in Mason County’s 51st Circuit Court to a one-year discretionary jail sentence, serving 122 days up front, for attempted felonious assault.

According to the Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS), Denton in 2012 served prison terms of two to 15 years for second-degree home invasion; one and a half to 15 years for breaking and entering a building with intent; and one and a half to four years for marijuana delivery. In 2011, he was sentenced to a maximum of two years for marijuana delivery.

Denton’s sentence Monday includes a one-year driver’s license suspension with the possibility of a restricted license after 60 days.

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