No charges filed against girl, 11, for flinging fork during ‘food fight.’
HART — No charges will be filed against an 11-year-old Hesperia girl involved in a “food fight” with her younger brother earlier this month that initially resulted in her being accused of felonious assault, said Oceana County Prosecutor Joseph Bizon.
“She and her brother had what I would call a food fight, because her younger brother told her she could only have one scoop of sour cream on her baked potato,” Bizon said. “During this, she flung her fork at him. Police were called, and she was released to her mother.”
The girl was apprehended by Michigan State Police troopers from the Hart post earlier this month in the 4000 block of Maple Island Road in Greenwood Township near Hesperia.
“Due to her age and the fact this child already receives court monitoring and extensive services through CMH, we are not going to issue charges on this. Her counselor believes new charges would be counter-productive to progress the child has already been making.”
“She has some severe to moderate emotional/developmental issues,” Bizon said.
The younger brother was not injured, he said.
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