Jason Jeffrey
ESD entering into contract negotiations with new superintendent candidate.
By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.
AMBER TOWNSHIP (Mason County) — During a special meeting Wednesday, the West Shore Educational Service District board of education unanimously voted to enter into contract negotiations with Dr. Jason Jeffrey for the position of superintendent. The board held a second interview with Jeffrey and following voted to empower board President Catherine Becker to enter into preliminary contract negotiations with the expectation that the contract will be presented for board approval at its March 13 meeting.
Jeffrey is currently assistant superintendent for general education and career technical education at Traverse Bay Intermediate School District. He will be replacing Randy Howes, who will retired on June 30.
“We were very pleased to have four outstanding candidates to consider,” Becker said last week. “The task of narrowing down the field was very difficult. In the end, the Board felt that Dr. Jeffrey was the best fit for the candidate profile we developed. The Board would like to thank all those who provided their input to help us develop that profile. It has been, and will be, a very important tool for us to use during the process.”
Jeffrey has been with the TBAISD since 2000. He has served the ISD as an assistant principal, principal/director and as an assistant superintendent. He is a graduate of Central Michigan University where he has earned a bachelor of science degree in industrial education and history; a master’s degree in industrial education and teaching special needs students; and a doctorate in educational leadership.
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