Drug convictions top 27th Circuit Court sentencings.
By Allison Scarbrough. Editor.
HART — The following were sentenced recently in 27th Circuit Court:
– Zachary Bundy Leslie, 29, of 1456 E. Cuming St., Fremont, was found guilty Dec. 18, 2017 of methamphetamine possession and third-offense habitual offender and was sentenced Feb. 26 to 11 months in jail with credit for 112 days served; two years probation; driver’s license suspended one year/restricted after 60 days; and $398 in fines and costs. Two counts of narcotic/cocaine possession less than 25 grams were dismissed.
– Todd Albert Lemke, 53, of 2150 Columbus Ave., Muskegon, was found guilty Dec. 18, 2017 of methamphetamine possession and was
sentenced Feb. 26 to 18 months probation; driver’s license suspended 180 days/restricted after 30 days; and $458 in fines and costs. “Defendant’s sentence to be held in abeyance due to medical health issues,” court records state. One count of marijuana possession was dismissed.
– Brent Douglas Krauss, 19, of 2742
Meadow Lane, Hart, was found guilty Dec. 18, 2017 of three counts of narcotic/cocaine delivery less than 50 grams and was sentenced Feb. 26 to 11 months in jail with credit for 53 days served; two years probation; driver’s license suspended 180 days/restricted after 30 days; $570 in restitution to the State, Sheriff’s, Chiefs Enforcement of Narcotics Team (SSCENT); and $594 in fines and costs. Two additional counts of narcotic/cocaine delivery less than 50 grams were dismissed.
– Jason Lee Spears, 23, of 3562 Algonquin Dr., Muskegon, was found guilty Feb. 26 of probation violation and was sentenced to 160
days in jail with credit for 138 days served; two years probation; and $198 in fines and costs. Spears’ probation stems from a March 13, 2017 conviction of third-degree fleeing and eluding police.
– Joshua Michael Blackburn, 23, of 11471 Mitchell St., Hamtrack, Michigan, was found guilty Feb. 12 of a misdemeanor of attempted assaulting/resisting/obstructing police and was sentenced to two days in jail with credit for two days served and $798 in fines and costs. One felony count of assaulting/resisting/obstructing police and one misdemeanor count of trespassing were dismissed.
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