Soccer sign-ups through Feb. 24.

February 2, 2018

Soccer sign-ups through Feb. 24.


HART — The Hart Rec soccer program is having soccer sign-ups through Saturday, Feb. 24.

The program is open to children in preschool (age 4 by Nov. 1, 2017) through sixth grade. U-15 boys and girls (born 2003/04); U-17 boys (born 2001/2002); and U-20 boys (born 1998-2000) is travel soccer through the Great Lakes Co-Ed Soccer league.

Registration fees are the following: one child, $20; two children, $35; three children, $45; four or more, $50. Add $20 per child if he or she lives outside of the Hart area.

Register and sign up online at

Information you will need when signing up: a primary email address, insurance policy carrier, policy number, correct township that you live in and your child’s shirt size. It is important to know the correct township, because your township pays a portion of your child’s participation fee.

The registration deadline is Feb. 24, and no late sign-ups will be accepted.

If internet is not available or if you would like to pay cash, signups will also be available during Spitler Elementary school conferences, Feb. 21 and Feb. 22, from 4-7 p.m. The rec commissioner would like to meet you and would be able to answer any questions you may have.

Coaches are needed. If you are interested, indicate during registration that you’re interested in volunteering. A coaches’ meeting and training will be scheduled one week before the soccer clinic.


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