Ian Rodriguez, center, with defense attorney Timothy Hayes, right. An unidentified Michgian Department of Corrections officer stands guard.
Wesco robber pleads guilty.
By Allison Scarbrough. Editor.
HART — The 18-year-old Muskegon man who robbed the New Era Wesco store last July with a pellet gun disguised a real handgun pleaded guilty in 27th Circuit Court Monday, Jan. 29, to armed robbery.
Ian Evan Rodriguez, of 400 W. Laketon Ave., will receive a six-year minimum, and the court will determine his maximum term. Armed robbery is punishable by up to life in prison.
Rodriguez is currently incarcerated in the Muskegon Correctional Facility, serving a term of six years to life and two terms of five to 27 years for Muskegon County convictions of armed robbery, according to the Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS).
His Oceana County sentence will run concurrently to his Muskegon County sentences.
Rodriguez testified that he went into the New Era store, wearing a mask. “I robbed the clerk,” he said. He stole $800 and split the money with his 19-year-old co-defendant, Cameron James Card.
The pair went on a crime spree robbing other convenience stores in the area, including the Hesperia Wesco in Newaygo County, until they were eventually caught by authorities in Muskegon County.
“I was caught at the scene at the robbery in Ravenna,” he told Judge Robert D. Springstead.
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