Meth, CSC among circuit court sentencings.

January 26, 2018

Meth, CSC among circuit court sentencings.


By Allison Scarbrough. Editor.

HART — The following were sentenced recently in 27th Circuit Court:


– Andrew James Larue, 26, of 5101 Whitney St., Montague, was found guilty Dec. 4 of meth possession and was sentenced Jan. 22 to four and a half months in jail with credit for two days served; two years probation; driver’s license suspended six months with a restricted license after 30 days; and $400 in fines and costs. One count of LSD possession was dismissed.

– Craig Walter Hatfield, 41, of 3651 N. VanBuren Rd., Hart, pleaded “no contest” Nov. 20 to fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct (CSC) – victim 13-16 years old and was sentenced Jan. 22 to one year in jail

Craig Hatfield

with credit for six days served; five years probation; and $400 in fines and costs. He may only have contact with his biological child, who is not the victim in the case, and may not have contact with any other children under the age of 17. He must register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.

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