Charitable group reaches quarter million dollar milestone.

November 28, 2017

– Contributed photo

Women Who Care will meet next Tuesday.


BENONA TOWNSHIP — The 150 member-strong Women Who Care of Oceana County has contributed $250,000 since the group’s first meeting five years ago.

The charitable organization will hold its next quarterly meeting Tuesday, Dec. 5, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Stony Lake Inn, 4722 Scenic Drive near Shelby.

New members, and anyone just wanting to observe, are welcome to attend next Tuesday’s meeting.

The group, which launched in June of 2012, most recently met Sept. 5 and chose to contribute individual $100 contributions totaling $15,000 to Mrs. Mullen’s Closet. The project is named in honor of the late Dyanne Mullen, a long-time Hart Public Schools educator, who focused on making sure children were properly clothed and fed. Mrs. Mullen’s Closet provides needed clothing to Oceana students who do not have the means to purchase clothes.

Attendees at each meeting hear about the great work of three area nonprofits that are chosen at random from suggestions made by WWC members present that evening. Attendees choose one of the three, and each attendee writes a $100 personal check to that organization. Members don’t have to attend every meeting, but they do commit to write $100 personal checks to the cause that’s chosen by those who do attend.

For more information, contact Amy LaBarge at 313-268-2086, or log onto the group’s Facebook page.

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