Hart post continues to seek ‘Angel’ volunteers.
HART — To assist people struggling with addiction and reduce drug demand, the Michigan State Police (MSP) joined almost 200 police departments nationwide in the Angel Program, a pre-arrest diversion program. The Angel Program allows someone with a drug addiction to walk into a state police post to seek help for their addiction, without the fear of arrest or investigation.
The MSP expanded this program to the Hart post in July, and the local post continues to recruit volunteers who wish to provide support to participants, including transportation to treatment.
Interested volunteers must complete an application available from the post. They receive training prior to any assignments, and will be reimbursed for mileage and meals.
If you are interested in learning more about the program or becoming an Angel volunteer, contact the MSP Hart post at 231-873-2171.
The Angel Program is supported by PAARI (the Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative). It originally began in Gloucester, Massachusetts in 2015. The MSP plans to continue expansion of the program across the state throughout 2017.
The Hart post provided details about required qualifications, requirements and responsibilities, which are the following:
QUALIFICATIONS: Reliable, non-judgmental, and compassionate individual. Flexibility is a must in this position. Ability to stay calm under pressure or in difficult situations is a necessity. Willingness to assist in additional tasks, as needed, is essential. All Angels must sign applicable MSP Angel Program paperwork, including confidentiality and liability release waiver forms.
• At least 21 years of age.
• Valid driver’s license.
• Registered, insured vehicle in operating condition.
• Provide transportation to treatment center for participant.
• Pay for required meals and lodging up front; then request for reimbursement, which may take up to 60 days.
• Submit to criminal history background check.
• At least two years in recovery.
• Attendance at all mandatory training.
• Reliable contact information (phone and email).
• Ability to provide schedule of availability.
• Fill out and sign required Angel paperwork.
• Must be within one hour drive of the MSP Post.
• Listen and engage with participants.
• Provide resources and encouragement.
• Assist participant with program paperwork.
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