Dirt bike rider slams into pickup truck at dunes.

August 7, 2017

Dirt bike rider slams into pickup truck at dunes.


GOLDEN TOWNSHIP — A 22-year-old Lapeer, Michigan man suffered a broken arm, a broken leg and a possible fractured pelvis after the 2009 Honda dirt bike he was riding slammed into the hood of a 2005 Chevy Silverado driven by a 22-year-old Leslie, Michigan man at the Silver Lake Sand Dunes Saturday afternoon, Aug. 5.

The dirt bike was traveling northbound at about 4:30 p.m. up the hill between the two “dune flats,” the Oceana County Sheriff’s Office accident report states. The pickup truck was traveling southbound “up the opposite slope of the same hill.”

“Both vehicles met at the top; neither were able to stop in time and collided, center-front.”

The crash caused the dirt bike rider to slam into the hood of the pickup truck and then be thrown from the vehicle, the report states.

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