MSU Extension looking for summer exchange student host families.

May 25, 2017

MSU Extension looking for summer exchange student host families.

By D’Ann Rohrer, Michigan State University Extension Service.

Michigan State University Extension Japan Summer Inbound Exchange is recruiting Michigan families to welcome Japanese youth ages 12-16 for one-month this summer, July 23 through August 18.  The Japanese LABO Program and Michigan 4-H Exchange Program is celebrating its 44th year in partnership.  Youth will be staying with families all over Michigan from Baraga County in the Upper Peninsula to Oakland and Cass Counties and everywhere in between.  Host families are still needed to host both youth and chaperones arriving in July.  Those Interested in hosting can visit the 4-H International Exchange website to complete an application.  

The program varies from other exchange programs becasue:

  • 4-H/LABO program is only a one-month hosting commitment, where most other programs are a six to ten-month commitment.
  • The host family must have a child the same gender and within three years of the delegate’s age, other programs have no child requirements.
  • Only specific families can host for a limited time frame due to children growing up and moving out of the house.
  • The age of the delegates is 12-16 years old, which is younger than other programs.  
  • Due to the age of these delegates, their expectations are different.  The exchange student is only looking for an American youth to play with and the experience of living with an American family to experience American culture.  Delegates also are willing to share their culture through preparing a Japanese meal, gifts, games, and photos.
  • This program also includes the opportunity for American host siblings to travel to Japan the following summer and to stay with the Japanese delegate they hosted the prior year.  This is not a requirement but on the Japanese delegates application it states whether they are available to host next year.  

If you would like to learn more about International Exchange Programs here in Michigan  visit or contact D’Ann Rohrer, State Coordinator, Leadership and Civic Engagement Team Member, at

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