Is your business hiring? We can help.

May 3, 2017

media group 31 on white 02-12-17Is your business hiring? We can help. 

You may have noticed that a new ad block has appeared on the right side of our websites. We are now featuring a “Jobs” section to help local employers who are looking for employees. If your business is in need of new workers, we believe we can serve as a valuable resource.

We also will share your “help wanted” ad on our three Facebook Pages (Mason County Press, Oceana County Press, Manistee County Press). To give you an example of the effectiveness of our “Jobs” ads, we posted an ad for Mason County Central Schools looking for a middle school science teacher. Within 13 hours, the Facebook post was shared over 50 times and had a reach of over 5,800. Our video Job ads can be even more effective and can also educate people about your business.

If you would like to know more, please contact our sales team:

Dan Vargas, 231-233-0822 or 

Rachel Gale: 231-343-7107 or

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