Facebook harassment among complaints handled by sheriff’s office.

March 21, 2017

servproFacebook harassment among complaints handled by sheriff’s office.

#OceanaCountyNews #PoliceNews

The following is activity of the Oceana County Sheriff’s Office Monday, March 20, 2017:

– 4:35 a.m., medical assist, East Monroe Road, Crystal Township.

– 6:16 a.m., alarm, North Michigan Avenue, Village of Shelby.

– 9:33 a.m., medical assist, 144th Avenue, Otto Township.

– 10:04 a.m., larceny, South 184th Avenue, Greenwood Township.

– 11:10 a.m., warrant arrest, East Lincoln Street, City of Hart. A 46-year-old Morley, Michigan man was arrested for a Friend of the Court warrant issued in Oceana County.

– 11:30 a.m., transport writ, a 25-year-old Mears man was transported from Newaygo County Jail to Oceana County for a hearing on a breaking and entering charge.

– 1:19 p.m., civil complaint, South Oceana Drive, Shelby Township.

– 1:50 p.m., assist Child Protective Services, City of Hart.

– 5:55 p.m., wellbeing check, North 56th Avenue, Golden Township.

– 6:57 p.m., Facebook harassment, West Meadowlane Drive, Grant Township.

– 7:14 p.m., animals at large, North 160th Avenue, Elbridge Township.

– 9:42 p.m., transporting an open intoxicant, Garfield Road, Ferry Township.

– 10:57 p.m., civil/family problems, West Skeels Road and 72nd Avenue, Grant Township.

– 11:47 p.m., suspicious vehicle, 4600 block of South 1st Street, Village of New Era.

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