PSA raises funds to purchase lights on channel.

March 20, 2017
A July 20116 photo contributed by Kevin Kludy.

A July 2016 photo of the Pentwater Pier contributed by Kevin Kludy.

PSA raises funds to purchase lights on channel.

#OceanaCountyNews #PentwaterSportfishingAssociation

PENTWATER — The Pentwater Sportfishing Association has raised $3,800 to install lights along the Pentwater/Lake Michigan channel to make boating safer.

“Spearheaded by the Pentwater Sportfishing Association (PSA), Bruce Koorndyk, then PSA President, made contact with the US Army Corp of Engineers office in Grand Haven in early 2011 to research and request a permit to add marker lights along the Pentwater/Lake Michigan channel,” states a PSA press release.

“The association had received many requests to help with night navigation in and out of the channel. While the permit was granted, there were no funds added or available for such a project. That was the start of a community-wide effort to build support and funding to make this project a reality. Guided by the PSA, contact was made to local groups and individuals to help raise the funds to purchase and install the lights.

“From that start in early 2011, PSA has raised nearly $3,800 to purchase the needed lights.

“The initial project was to add lights along the channel wall, but soon spread to add navigation lights within Pentwater Lake. This opened the door for Pentwater Lake Association and Pentwater Village to join in the effort, and each have purchased new ‘no wake’ buoys for placement. Along with the new buoys, blinking amber lights have been added to the start of the ‘no wake’ area (east end of Pentwater Lake) and the inside of the channel out to Lake Michigan. These lights are an aid to guide boaters in or out during the night. Plus, the added ‘no wake’ buoys have increased the safety of boater traffic during the day.

“Each year, spring and fall placement is required for both the channel lights, and the ‘no wake’ buoys in Pentwater Lake. PSA covers the channel light placement in the spring and removal in the fall, along with any needed repair. Pentwater Village covers the ‘no wake’ buoy placement, with assistance by the Patterson Marine Group — truly a community effort.

“But this project continues. PSA is now requesting support to purchase a new amber blinking light for placement on one of the newer ‘no wake’ buoys that is equipped to have a light installed. By having a mid-lake amber light on a buoy, night and early morning boater guidance will be much safer.

“PSA has started a fund to raise the needed $280 for the new amber light, and would request community help to finish the needed amount before spring of 2017.”

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