Sex offender sent to jail, expects deportation.

February 1, 2017
Xavier Sanchez with his attorney, Julie Springstead Waltz (right) and Spanish interpretor Kathy Fuehring.

Xavier Sanchez with his attorney, Julie Springstead Waltz (right) and Spanish interpreter Kathy Fuehring.

Sex offender sent to jail, expects deportation.

#OceanaCountyPress #CourtNews

By Allison Scarbrough. Editor.

HART — A 30-year-old Shelby man was sentenced this week in 27th Circuit Court to serve nine months up front of a one-year discretionary jail term for second-degree criminal sexual conduct, and upon his release from jail is expected to be deported to Mexico, said Oceana County Prosecutor Joseph Bizon.

Xavier Sanchez, of 552 Fowler St., is “properly documented,” Bizon said, but he agreed with the court that he will not contest his deportation by the US government.

Sanchez’s conviction stems from a sexual relationship he had with a girl who was 15 years old or younger at the time. “She was 15 years old when it was reported, but she may have been younger when it was going on,” Bizon said.

The victim addressed the court during Sanchez’s sentencing, stating that her grandmother approved of the relationship.

“I was told by you and my grandma it was OK to be in this relationship,” said the girl as she wept.

“The grandmother appears to have been a proponent of the relationship,” said Bizon. The grandmother has not been criminally charged, the prosecutor said, because there is currently no evidence to bring forth charges against her.

The victim, who had lived with her grandmother from time to time, is now living with her mother, Bizon said. “She is in a safe environment with her mom now,” he said.

“I have learned a lot in the past few months through counseling,” said the victim. “What has happened my mom explained to me in a way I can understand…Your actions that break the law can land you in jail. You are in jail because you broke the law. You decided to have a relationship with a child… I hope one day you’re less of a coward and take responsibility for breaking the law.”

Bizon said it was a nonconsensual relationship due to the victim’s age. The prosecutor credits her mother for helping the girl realize that. “She took appropriate adult intervention to bring her to the realization that it was not a healthy relationship.”

The prosecution worked out a negotiated settlement with the victim and the victim’s mom, he said. “The main interest was that the defendant was punished. He will be deported after he serves his time.” Sanchez was initially charged with third-degree CSC, but was convicted of higher crime of second-degree CSC.

Sanchez appeared in court with his court-appointed attorney, Julie Springstead Waltz, and a Spanish interpreter Kathy Fuehring.

Sentencing guidelines in the case were five to 23 months, said Judge Anthony A. Monton, who sentenced Sanchez consistently with the plea agreement. Sanchez received credit for 161 days served in jail.

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