Student suspended for bringing airsoft pistol to school.

December 8, 2016
This air-soft pistol is similar to the gun found at Shelby High School last week.

This airsoft pistol is similar to the gun found at Shelby High School last week.

Student suspended for bringing airsoft pistol to school.

#OceanaCountyNews #PoliceNews

By Allison Scarbrough. Editor.

SHELBY — A male juvenile student was suspended from Shelby High School for 10 days after allegedly bringing an airsoft pistol to school Friday, Dec. 2, according to Shelby Public Schools Superintendent Dan Bauer.

The student could be charged in juvenile court, said Shelby Police Chief Terry TenBrink, who plans to forward the police report to the Oceana County Prosecutor’s Office.

No one was injured or threatened with the gun, Bauer said. “No one was ever in danger,” he said. The student told school officials that he brought the gun to school to sell it to another student. The pistol was inside a backpack stashed behind a vending machine, Bauer said. Another student found the backpack and brought it to the school office toward the end of the school day.

School officials swiftly took action to determine who brought the weapon to the school and to notify parents through an automated call that the students were safe, the superintendent said. Principal Fran Schamber expeditiously put out the alert to parents, said Bauer, who credits his staff for efficiently handling the situation. Video surveillance cameras installed in the school building just a few years ago determined who was responsible, he said. “We quickly determined who brought it.”

The gun was confiscated by police, TenBrink said.

The student is scheduled to attend a disciplinary hearing to determine if there will be any further disciplinary action, Bauer said.

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