Primozich to lead lake improvement board.

November 22, 2016

Primozich to lead lake improvement board.

#OceanaCountyNews #Pentwater

PENTWATER — The Pentwater Lake Improvement Board recently elected Joe Primozich as president.

Newly-elected Pentwater Township Clerk Sue Ann Johnson was elected treasurer of the lake improvement board, and County Commissioner Dean Gustafson will be secretary.

The board consists of five members; one representative from each local unit of government; a private citizen landowner; and the county drain commissioner.

Gustafson represents county government; Johnson is the township representative; and newly-elected village president Jeff Hodges will be the village representative. Primozich is the private-sector landowner on Pentwater Lake and Michelle Martin, county drain commissioner, is automatically on the board.

Outgoing village president Juanita Pierman and township clerk Dean Holub are leaving the board.

Tony Groves of Progressive Engineering reported on the aquatic plant control done this year and the water quality monitoring. The amount of pan fish in Pentwater Lake was discussed and is reported to be improving. All of the information is on the website:

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