Over $200,000 donated…and counting.

November 22, 2016

imageOver $200,000 donated…and counting.


HART — Over $200,000 donated since June of 2012 is the milestone 140 area women will celebrate Tuesday, Dec. 6, when the Oceana Women Who Care decide which area nonprofit they will collectively support with their $100 personal contributions.

The meeting will be at the Oceana County Medical Care Facility, at 701 Main St., Hart, beginning at 5:30 p.m. An optional tour will be offered beginning at 4:45 p.m. for members who wish to see first-hand how this important community asset is being upgraded to meet today’s needs. WWC members who attended the group’s last meeting in September chose the Campaign for Oceana County Medical Care Facility as the recipient of everyone’s $100 individual gifts.

“There sure is strength in numbers when people get together in a positive way,” said Amy LaBarge, one of the group’s organizers. “We had no idea we’d reach this point of giving in just four and a half years.”

Membership is open to anyone who agrees to support the selected cause every three months, even if you can’t attend the meeting. For more information, check http://www.facebook.com/womenwhocareof oceanacounty or call LaBarge at 313.268.2086.

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