Election overview for Oceana County.

November 7, 2016

american-flag-2a2Election overview for Oceana County.



The following are contested races in Oceana County in the Tuesday, Nov. 8, general election:

Oceana County Road Commission – one seat
Allen Blohm (R)

Lloyd Gowell (R)

Oceana County Board of Commissioners:
Second District – Greenwood and Newfield townships:

Martha Meyette (R)

Evelyn Kolbe (D)

Colfax Township

Robert William Wade (R)

Larry L. Mumper (no party affiliation)

Crystal Township
No candidate filed.

Elbridge Township

Craig Herremans (R)

Lance VanSickle (write-in)


Stephanie VanSickle (R)

Linda Bickel (write-in)


Renee Vanderlaan (R)

Chris Payne (no party affiliation)

Trustee – two seats

Jeff Buter (R)

Eric Herrygers (R)

Bruce Vartian (D)

Ferry Township
Trustee – two seats

Rod Studer (R)

Richard E. Cornwell (D)

Linda Bruck (no party affiliation)

Grant Township
Trustee – two seats

James Aebig (R)

Joan Brooks (R)

Gerrit James Fekken (D)

Leavitt Township
Trustee – two seats

Raymond Dornbush (R)

Eleanor Krupp (R)

Emma J. Kirwin (D)

Al Purdy (no party affiliation)

Pentwater Township

Sue Ann Johnson (R)

John Barker (D)

Hesperia Village
President – nonpartisan

Mike Farber

Louis J. Nemastil

Pentwater Village
President – nonpartisan

Jeffrey Allen Hodges

Daniel D. Hoekstra, Sr.

Trustees – three seats

Michelle Angell-Powell

Pamela Burdick

Dan Nugent

Don Palmer

Juanita Pierman

Shelby Village

Trustee – non-partisan – three seats

Andy Near

Sharita Prowant

John G. Sutton

Jim Wyns

Hart Public Schools Board of Education – nonpartisan – three seats

Dwight Fuehring

Irma Hinojosa

Judee L. Wilson

Jack Wittman

Hesperia Community Schools Board of Education – nonpartisan – two seats

Patrick Broton

Alan Daniels

Ryan L. Good

Pentwater Public Schools – nonpartisan – four seats

Patricia Collins

Ken McClane

Amy L. Roberson

Bonnie VanDerZanden

Linda S. VanGills

Shelby Public Schools Board of Education – nonpartisan – two seats

Douglas Fris

Karen Rice

Craig Sawyer

Ballot questions:

There are three proposals on the ballot: the Ferry Township renewal of its existing fire operating millage, which is 1.5 mills; the Village of Pentwater improvement plan, which is a $3.2 million street improvement plan; and the Walkerville Village Joint Fire Department millage replacement proposal, which is for the purchase of fire equipment for the joint department that serves Walkerville Village and Elbridge, Colfax and Leavitt townships.

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