Lisa Baker (front row, at left), an Oceana County Medical Care Facility capital campaign cabinet member, is joined by her fellow Oceana Women Who Care members who met Sept. 6 and chose to have each of WWC’s 145 members write $100 personal checks to the campaign.
#OceanaCountyNews #OceanaWomenWhoCare #OceanaCountyMedicalCareFacility
PENTWATER — The 145 philanthropy-minded members of Oceana Women Who Care (WWC) are again teaming up to improve our community’s quality of life. At their Sept. 6 meeting at Gull Landing, they chose to have each member make a $100 personal contribution to the Campaign for Oceana County Medical Care Facility (OCMCF) in Hart.
“This wonderful community asset has received the highest rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services,” said WWC member Lisa Baker, “but portions of existing buildings built in 1965 and 1975 suffer from outdated design and space usage, and some infrastructure is crumbling. Most of the renovation and expansion cost will be paid from reserve funds wisely set-aside over the years, but $500,000 must be raised from the community. More than $150,000 already has been contributed, so $350,000 is still needed.”
The $14,500 in combined contributions from these Oceana women has pushed the project closer to its fundraising goal.
“Past generations of Oceana residents had the foresight and willingness to shoulder the responsibilities of treating our elders well,“ added WWC member Tammy Carey. “Now, it’s our turn to upgrade the facility to meet the present-day needs of people in our community.”
One-hour meetings of Oceana WWC are held at 5:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of March, June, September and December. Each attendee learns about three nonprofit causes to support, and then votes on the one she thinks every member should contribute to that quarter. The agency receiving the most votes receives $100 personal checks from each WWC member. Membership is open to anyone who agrees to do this, even if she can’t attend the meeting. Socializing follows each meeting for those who have time to stay.
The next WWC meeting will be Tuesday, Dec. 6, at the Oceana County Council on Aging, 621 E. Main Street, in Hart.
More information about the facility’s campaign can be found at oceanamcf.org.
For more information about Oceana Women Who Care, check facebook.com/womenwhocareofoceanacounty, or call Amy LaBarge at 313.268.2086.