Meet the candidates Sept. 28.

September 15, 2016

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PENTWATER — The Pentwater Service Club will hold a ‘Meet the Candidates Night’ Wednesday, Sept. 28, at the Pentwater Friendship Center so voters can meet Pentwater village and township candidates who are in contested races in the Nov. 1 election.

Attorney Larry Konopka will moderate the event, which begins at 6 p.m.

Two people are running for Pentwater Township clerk – Sue Ann Johnson (R) and John Barker (D). Incumbent Clerk Dean Holub is retiring.

Two candidates are vying for village president – Daniel D. Hoekstra, Sr. and Jeffery Hodges. Incumbent Village President Juanita Pierman is stepping down to run for a village council seat. Village elections are non-partisan.

There are five candidates running for three seats on the village council: Michelle Angell-Powell, Pamela Burdick, Dan Nugent, Don Palmer and Pierman.

“We have asked each candidate to talk about themselves and tell us why they are running for office,” said service club President Ron Christians. “Each person will be asked to talk about what they perceive to be the biggest challenge facing the village or township, respectively. Candidates who are running for election and are not contested are welcome to attend and will be introduced. We hope the candidates will stay after the program to meet with the voters and answer any questions they might have.”

The Pentwater Service Club had a similar event in July for Oceana County candidates. The public is welcome, and the event is free.

The friendship center is located at the corner of Rush and Park streets.

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