Police seek help identifying break-in suspect.

August 17, 2016

Grant B&E suspect -3#NewaygoCountyNews #CityofGrantBreakIns

UPDATE: The Michigan State Police and the Grant Police Department identified Demonte Shannon, 18, of Grant, who was arrested for the break-ins of the Choice One Bank and the Depot Restaurant Thursday, Aug. 18. Shannon was arraigned on the felony charges in the 78th District Court of Newaygo County.

GRANT (Newaygo County) — The Hart post of the Michigan State Police is investigating two separate break-ins in the City of Grant that occurred Aug. 9, and is asking for the public’s assistance in identifying a suspect.

Grant B&E suspect -1The first breaking and entering occurred at the Choice One Bank, and the second one occurred at the Depot Restaurant. The Grant Police Department also handled a similar complaint at the Depot Restaurant.

MSP and GPD are asking if anyone can identify the suspect in the photos, they should contact Trooper Tromp or Detective Sergeant Rios of the Michigan State Police at 231-873-2171.

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