78th District Court sentencings.

July 21, 2016

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By Allison Scarbrough. Editor.

HART — The following were sentenced recently in 78th District Court:

  • Manuel Riley, 18, of 5340 W. Taylor Rd., Hart, was found guilty July 18 of larceny $200-$1,000 and sentenced to 28 days in jail with credit for 28 days served; one year discretionary jail to ensure compliance with sentence; and $150 in fines and costs.
  • Rafael Riley, 18, of 5340 W. Taylor Rd., Hart, was found guilty July 18 of larceny less than $200 and sentenced to 28 days in jail with credit for 28 days served; 93 days discretionary jail to ensure compliance with sentence; and $150 in fines and costs.
  • Brandon Scott Thrailkill, 23, of 13 N. Courtland St., Hart, was found guilty July 18 of assault and battery and sentenced to 28 days in jail with credit for 28 days served; 93 days discretionary jail to ensure compliance with sentence; no contact with victim or victim’s family; and $150 in fines and costs.
  • Benjamin Anthony Kittel, 21, of 1781 S. 48th Ave., Shelby, was found guilty July 19 of consuming liquor on a public highway and sentenced to 90 days discretionary jail over next year; and $300 in fines and costs. One count of disorderly person dismissed.
  • Jose Luis Garza, 29, of 8330 Blue Lake Rd., Twin Lake, was found guilty July 19 of allowing a person to drive in violation and sentenced to 90 days at the court’s discretion over the next one year and $125 in fines and costs.

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