Circuit Court sentencings include utility fraud, assault, car theft.

July 11, 2016

#OceanaCountyNews #CourtNews

By Allison Scarbrough. Editor.

HART — The following were sentenced recently in 27th Circuit Court:



Timothy Edward Kevwitch, 49, of 6991 S. 88th Ave., Rothbury, was found guilty May 25 of public utility fraud over $500. He was sentenced July 6 to serve 40 days upfront of a nine-month discretionary jail term with credit for 12 days served in jail; $1,926.97 in restitution payable to Great Lakes Energy; $400 in fines and costs; and one year probation. An additional 10 days was added to his 30-day forthwith recommendation due to being late for his July 6 hearing.



Alejandro Joseph Salazar, 31, of 3511 N. Ridge Rd., Mears, was found guilty May 25 of assault with a



with a weapon and sentenced July 6 to serve nine months upfront of a one-year discretionary jail term with credit for 87 days served in jail; two years probation; domestic violence/batterer intervention mental health treatment; no alcohol/drugs; and $400 in fines and costs. One count of assault with a weapon was dismissed.





Jaqueline Grace Mansilla, also known as Jaqueline Jewett, 33, of 3059 S. Oceana Dr., Shelby, was found guilty May 9 of unlawful driving away of an auto and sentenced July 6 to 14 months to five years in prison, which runs concurrently with a Muskegon County case, with credit for 111 days served; restitution of $200 payable to the victim; and $398 in fines and costs. Restitution of $3,366.18 due to the insurance company is being opposed and will be settled by civil remedies, according to court records.


Joseph Wayne Lambrix, 36, of 2526 W. Anthony, Pentwater, was found guilty May 25 of delivery/manufacture of marijuana and sentenced July 6 to serve four months up front of a one-year discretionary jail term with credit for two days served; two years probation; driver’s



license suspended six months with a restricted license after 30 days; $600 in fines, costs and restitution; and no alcohol/drugs. His sentence is to run concurrently with a Mason County case, and he is scheduled to report to jail in Mason County Monday, July 11. If he is not committed to jail in Mason County, he will must serve his four months in Oceana County and report Tuesday, July 12.

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