Suspect allegedly steals car, crashes, flees on foot.

July 7, 2016

OCSO#OceanaCountyNews #PoliceNews

By Allison Scarbrough. Editor.

LEAVITT TOWNSHIP — A male suspect allegedly stole a 2003 Buick from a residence in the 5400 block of Deer Road near Walkerville early Thursday morning, July 7; crashed the car; and then fled on foot, according to Oceana County Sheriff’s Office Lt. Craig Mast.

Deputies were called to the residence at 1:11 a.m. and began patrolling the area. They found the vehicle lying on its side nearby, Mast said. Deputies called in the Mason County K-9 Unit to track the suspect, but he remains on the loose. A description of the suspect was not immediately available.

A nearby resident told deputies he had an encounter with the suspect, who slapped his phone out of his hand when he told the suspect he was calling police in an attempt to assist him following the rollover crash.

The stolen Buick has been recovered.

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