At least 50,000 attended festival; 29 felony drug charges.

June 28, 2016

image#OceanaCountyNews   #ElectricForestFestival    #EF2016

GRANT TOWNSHIP — At least 50,000 people attended last weekend’s 2016 Electric Forest Festival at the Double JJ Resort near Rothbury, and there are 29 felony drug charges and 18 various misdemeanor charges pending, according the Michigan State Police.

“The MSP was again contracted by festival promoters to provide on-site law enforcement services for the 2016 Electric Forest Festival,” states an MSP press release issued Tuesday, June 28.

MSP activity during the event:

57 original complaints were investigated by troopers.

16 subjects were lodged in the Oceana County Jail.

21 subjects are pending arrest after review by the Oceana County Prosecutor’s Office.

Charges are as follows:

29 felony drug charges

18 misdemeanor charges, including five assault-related charges; seven drug charges​; three trespass/disorderly charges; and three fugitives from justice.
“Troopers also responded or assisted emergency medical services and/or festival security on numerous medical calls within the venue.

“According to promoters, ticket sales for this year’s Electric Forest Festival were approximately 50,000. The MSP has provided law enforcement services for the 2008 and 2009 Rothbury Festival, and the 2011 through 2016 Electric Forest Festival.”

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