Vintage snowmobiles stolen.

June 27, 2016

OCSO cruiser#OceanaCountyNews #PoliceNews

The Oceana County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched last Thursday, June 16, to a farm near the address of 5883 W. Deer Rd. for a larceny of a covered trailer and two vintage racing snowmobiles.

The snowmobiles are a 1971 340 TNT Ski Doo and a 1980 Yamaha Enticer. Both sleds are valued at approximately $2,000 and both had “321” stickers on them.

The sleds are used for racing, so they don’t have the usual state registration stickers on them, according to the sheriff’s office. They were being stored in a unique covered snowmobile trailer with a large “Stud Boy” and “321” sticker on it. The trailer is valued at about $1,800 and was manufactured in 1990.

If anyone has any information about the stolen snowmobiles and trailer, they are asked to call the sheriff’s office at (231) 873-2121.

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